21 July 2024 (Sunday) - In The Future

Here’s something that made me think. What will the effect of AI be on what we do?
When I first started in this game forty-three years ago I spent a few months in each part of pathology to get a feel for what I might like to do.
At the time I was told that clinical chemistry was ripe for automation but it would never happen with haematology. I’m reminded of Arthur C Clarke’s comments about the failure of imagination; the people with whom I worked all those years ago wouldn’t recognize where I now work.
I’m not saying that AI will wipe out biomedical scientists.
I’m not saying that biomedical scientists will be safe from AI.
I am saying that the future won’t turn out anything like we imagine it will.
As the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy said about grammar in the future, “the term "Future Perfect" has been abandoned since it was discovered not to be.

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