This week I’ve been learning how to use
the ACL
TOP500 coagulometer; it is very different to what I’ve been used to over
the last ten years. At first sight I found the device rather daunting but I was
surprised how quickly I got to grips with it. Using optical clot detection (rather than magnetic ball-wobbling) I’ve
been looking at clotting curves and derivative curves. And in a few short days
I’ve gone from complete novice to being able to set the analyser up, run QC and
samples and even perform (limited)
I’ve had a tutorial on the device and
even passed a little test featuring some case studies.
I like the machine; having given the
matter some thought (in my opinion)
the device is far superior to what I have been used to. The analyser is *fast*, the software is logical and easy
to follow, and isn’t constantly losing communication with the laboratory’s host