20 May 2019 (Monday) - BTLP-TACT excercise

I thought I’d best do a BTLP-TACT exercise today. If I don’t do one a fortnight I get little reminders from the boss. And for all that I might grumble, I quite like having the emergency simulator to hand.
I was presented with two cases.
41749 was an eighty year old woman requiring group and save for a fem-pop bypass.
94647  was a thirty year old chap in acute renal failure for a group and save
41749 was blood group AB Neg with weakly positive antibody screen in cells one and two.
I ordered antibody panels. The IAT and enzyme panels were positive in cells one, two and three. This corresponded with anti-D but anti-Cw could not be ruled out.
94647 was blood group A Pos with positive antibody screen in cell two.
I ordered antibody panels. The IAT panel was positive in cells two, three, five and six which didn’t actually correspond with anything, but anti-K and anti-E could not be ruled out. In fact it could have been anti-E and anti-K.
The enzyme panel gave the same result, but weaker reactions in cells two and six (anti-K) and stronger reactions in cells three and five (anti-E)
I decided to go for anti-E and anti-K.
The option to have performed a phenotype would have been useful here.
I got it right…

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