23 February 2025 (Sunday) - Slide Saturday Challenge

Slide Saturday Challenge. Stomatocytes. There’s a rather insightful article on the things here.

Perhaps I’m a bit daft and a bit sensitive, but seeing stomatocytes gives me flashbacks to when an eighteen year old me was peering down a microscope whilst a rather nasty and vindictive senior MLSO (who I later found out had once fallen out with my uncle) was almost hysterical in his ranting about how useless I was because I couldn’t identify stomatocytes despite never having seen them before and having at best a few weeks’ experience of looking at blood films.
The Royal East Sussex Hospital was a truly delightful place to work all those years ago… but looking back I remember so many of those people with whom I worked and make a point of trying my hardest not to be like they were…

There’s reflection, but probably not how the nice people at the HCPC intend.

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