20 October 2024 (Sunday) - BTLP-TACT Exercise

Time for another BTLP-TACT exercise... it's not as though there's anything worth watching on the telly.
It gave me two cases:
40274 – A sixty eight year old woman needing two units of blood tomorrow for surgery.
The ABO group was indeterminate but the Rh(D) group was negative. Fortunately the antibody screen was negative. I selected two units of O Rh(D) Negative blood.
97135 – a sixty nine year old chap from the renal clinic needing group & save. My heart sank when I saw this one. It’s O Rh(D) positive, but with a weak D. But the BTLP-TACT does odd things, so I called it O with an indeterminate D group. Even though it wasn’t.
The antibody screen was negative… I was grateful for small mercies.
I got the green light. I was pleased about that. However…
The first case was implausible. It was clearly an AB patient who had received O blood in a transfusion… just like the one I’d set up for them. Such a case would be known to the blood bank.
Similarly someone of that age not having had a weak D previously identified? And given that there was why hasn’t the software got an option for weak D?
This BTLP-TACT simulator is a work in progress in which (sadly) no progress is being made.


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