30 July 2024 (Tuesday) - Chief Scientific Officer's Update

The Office of the Chief Scientific Officer sent their update today. You can read it by clicking here.
As is always the way with this publication it can only be of peripheral interest and I would be unreasonable of me to expect anything of direct relevance. But like so much these days it rather wound me up.
It started off with Lord Darzi asking for submissions and suggestions for the latest shake-up fo the NHS. Here’s my contribution. NO MORE SHAKE-UPS. In (nearly) forty-three years of being part of the NHS I’ve lost count of the amount of shake-ups we’ve had. None have ever actually been seen through before being abandoned in favour of the next. And there has never been any review to look for the good or bad in what was tried before it was abandoned.
Let’s just stick with whatever the last one was, and give it a few years to actually take effect.
There was then a spotlight on a biomedical scientist being woman of the year. Is that so surprising? However by singling her out for praise it immediately cheapens the efforts of the thousands who (like I have done) have contributed so much and missed events with family and friends to keep the service going.
I originally wrote a rant about every single item in the newsletter. Perhaps I should stop following it as it only winds me up.

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