30 August 2024 (Friday) - BTLP-TACT Exercise

Time for another BTLP-TACT exercise as the thing has just sent me two emails saying I’m not doing enough of them…
It gave me two cases:

39326: A sixty-four year-old woman needing group and save with sepsis.

She grouped as B Rh(D) Positive with antibody screen positive in cells 1 and 3. I requested antibody panels.

The IAT panel was positive in cells 1, 3, 6, 9 and 10 corresponding with anti Fy(a) but not ruling out anti-Cw or anti Lu(a). However the enzyme panel was negative in all cells, so in this plane of reality anti-Cw and anti Lu(a) are ruled out.

78632: a seventy-seven year-old chap with liver disease and bleeding needing four units of FFP within two hours

He too grouped as B Rh)D) Positive but with a negative antibody screen.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK513347 says FFP is recommended for treatment of bleeding in cases of liver disease. So I issued four units of B Rh(D) Positive FFP.

I got the green light.

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