15 August 2024 (Thursday) - BTLP-TACT Update

Last week I whinged about having a “no win scenario” on the BTLP-TACT. But I didn’t whinge here; I also whinged at the scheme’s organizer who said that “Under those circumstances, issuing a single unit would result in a correct mark”.
I shall add that snippet to the other vagaries of the system that I have picked up along the way.
So… in order to get the green light I must bear in mind that in the simulator
  • A control failure invalidates the entire group; not just the Rh group.
  • Rh antibodies work by both IAT and enzyme.
  • Lu(a) works by both IAT and enzyme. If negative in enzyme then anti-Lu(a) is not there.
  • If I’m unable to provide the correct amount of suitable blood (given antibody issues) I should issue what I can.
It is such a shame that the simulator can’t be brought in line with what happens in reality…

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