The nice people at “Transfusion
News” sent their update today. Again it was rather biased toward COVID-19.
then isn’t everything these days?
Practical Guidance for Blood Supply and Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic
July 15, 2020
Researchers in Europe and Canada reviewed more than 9,000 publications
about COVID-19 and identified 414 papers relevant to blood collections,
processing, and transfusions in order to provide practical guidance for
the medical community on blood use and supply during the ongoing
pandemic. They provide several recommendations. [Read More]
Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in Patients with Severe COVID-19
July 1, 2020
Many patients with severe COVID-19 deteriorate rapidly when their immune
systems become hyperactive, also known as cytokine storm. No effective
treatments for cytokine storms in patients with COVID-19 have been
identified, but researchers in China report that therapeutic plasma
exchange (TPE) was an effective treatment in three male patients (aged
44, 55, and 64 years) with [Read More]
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