15 March 2017 (Wednesday) - Niemann-Pick Disease

I came across this posting whilst perusing Facebook over brekkie this morning.

45 yr female was investigated for splenomegaly and pancytopenia that progressed over the past 15 years. She also has conversion disorder with seizures, but the EEG were normal while convulsing. She had learning disabilities when she was at high school but her cognitive functions were normal. Despite her slight impaired balance problem, she was always employed. A bone marrow was ordered and the images show here is from her aspirate. No peripheral blood film images as it is not very interesting, other than pancytopenia.

The bone marrow images showed both the lipid containing foamy histiocytes and ceroid containing histiocytes (sea-blue histiocytes). From the patient history and further testing, this should be classified as Niemann-Pick Type B.

Niemann-Pick…. Not heard of that for some time. A refresher is always good.

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