13 August 2024 (Tuesday) - BTLP-TACT Exercise

The last time I did a BTLP-TACT exercise I had a no-win scenario. I emailed BTLP-TACT head office but have had no reply yet.
So with something of a sense of “why do I bother” I did another one… after all I usually do one before the night shift

I was presented with one case – a ninety-eight year old chap requiring six units of blood within the next two hours for an aortic aneurysm.

He grouped as A Rh(D) Positive with antibody screen positive in cell 2. I requested antibody panels. The IAT and enzyme panels were positive in cells 2, 3, 5 and 6   which corresponded to anti-E and anti-K.

I selected six units of A Rh(D) Positive E-negative K-negative

I got the green light… and it also suggested I might like to continue with another case. So I did. It gave me two more cases:

98610 – a sixty-two year old woman in ITU needing group and save

The control came up positive. In the past control failure invalidated the entire group. So I was unable to get a blood group. This would go off to NHSBT.

Mind you, in the past the control failure has only invalidated the RH group…

Fortunately the antibody screen was negative.

98546 – a forty-six year old woman on the medical ward needing group and save and two units of cryo for a vitamin K deficiency.

She has a cell group of B, but no reaction in the reverse group. The Rh group was positive though. Another one for NHSBT.

Fortunately the antibody screen was negative.

I’m pretty sure cryo isn’t recommended to correct vitamin K deficiency, so I didn’t prepare any.

I got the green light again. I was pleased about that.

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