9 November 2020 (Monday) - Failing the BTLP-TACT Excercise

I thought I had better do a BTLP-TACT exercise as it is two weeks since I last had a go. I was presented with samples from two patients: 

59154 – a twenty-one year old chap from the haematology clinic requiring two units of irradiated blood for the next day. He grouped as A Rh(D) Negative with antibody screen positive in cells one and two.
I requested antibody panels. The IAT panel was positive in cells one, two, three and four, as was the enzyme panel. This was consistent with anti-C and anti-D but couldn’t rule out anti-Cw

I selected two irradiated units of blood which were D-Negative and C-Negative

11440 – a fifty-two year old chap in out-patients requiring group and save. He grouped as B Rh(D) Positive with a negative antibody screen. 

I got the red light. Fail. Quack Quack Oops.

I would like to contest this. The blood group for 59154 was not A; it was “uninterpretable”. You can see that I’d spotted something awry here as I’ve taken a screen shot of the picture with which I was presented. Was it a sub-type of A? if so, was giving A blood wrong?
I think in this case the software wasn’t quite up to the scenario it was trying to mimic. But then I would, wouldn’t I?

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