26 September 2020 (Saturday) - BTLP-TACT Exercise

Time for another BTLP-TACT exercise.

07981 A request for two units of blood on a thirty-one year old male undergoing allogeneic HSCT conditioning.
The chap was A Rh(D) Positive with a negative antibody screen. I selected two CMV-negative irradiated units of A Rh(D) Positive blood for him. 

67653 A request for four units of blood on a ninety-eight year old chap having a GI bleed
I accepted the sample on this one despite his address of “0 Sea View”. This chap was also A Rh(D) Positive with a negative antibody screen.
I selected four units of A Rh(D) Positive blood for him.

I got the green light despite the software having gone berserk and claiming that I’d issued ten units of blood to the second case.
But a green light is a green light….

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