17 December 2024 (Tuesday) -NEQAS 2406 DM

I got the results of NEQAS 2406 DM today.
When I looked at it I said





Blast cells
Vacuolated monocytes
Dysplastic neutrophils
Thing with strange protruberances – seen that before !!!!


 Low Plts
Giant plts


??? CMML

The expert opinion said a lot without saying anything “The cells in the circulation in this case are very abnormal with their shared morphological features predominantly of mature but abnormal monocytes, at least one “blast cell” form present. In a young adult the diagnosis in such cases is by far most likely to be an acute leukaemia with monocytic differentiation. This diagnosis is often difficult to make for morphologists since the monocytes appear predominantly mature, so it is important also to take into account the relatively young age of the patient and the very low likelihood of a predominantly monocytic response to severe infection. This is even more challenging in older patients where the possibility of a CMML should also be considered. If in doubt (particularly in the presence of cytopenias) the case should be alerted urgently to the clinicians as clinical and bone marrow evaluation may be vital”.
I’m claiming I got this right.

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