16 September 2024 (Monday) - Getting the BTLP Wrong (?)

It’s been a while since I last did a BTLP-TACT exercise… so I had a go and was presented with two cases:
54014 – a fifty-nine year old chap under the medical team with sepsis requiring group and save. His blood group was O, but with an indeterminate Rh group, and an antibody screen positive in cells 1 and 2.
I requested antibody panels. The IAT and enzyme panels were positive in cells 1, 2, 3 and 4 being consistent with anti-C and anti-D but not ruling out anti-Cw
36430 another fifty-nine year old chap; this one with vitamin K deficiency requiring group and save and two units of cryo. His blood group was B Rh(D) Positive. It was !!! But bearing in mind that I’ve had the thumbs down on weak D reactions before I called it indeterminate. Fortunately the antibody screen was negative.
I selected two units of O cryo (as that was all there was)
I got it wrong. Again. Apparently cryo shouldn’t be used in this clinical condition. Even though the guidelines say it should.

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