26 July 2024 (Friday) - At A Loose End

With my car in for service and what was supposed to be a two-hour service now taking all day, and everything I had planned for the day needing a car I thought I might as well do a BTLP-TACT exercise.
I was presented with two cases.
93476 – a sixty-year-old chap in A&E needing group & save for a fractured neck of femur.
He grouped as AB Rh(D) Negative with antibody screen positive in cells 1 and 2. I requested antibody panels. The IAT and enzyme panels were positive in cells 1, 2, 3 and 4 which corresponded with anti-C and anti-D but didn’t exclude anti-Cw
86139 – a thirty-two year-old chap in the haematology clinic needing two units of irradiated blood within the hour.
He grouped as O Rh(D) Positive with antibody screen positive in cell 2. I requested antibody panels. The IAT and enzyme panels were  positive in cells 3 and 5 corresponding to anti-E.
I selected two units of irradiated O Rh(D) Positive E Negative blood
I got the green light.

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