20 May 2024 (Monday) - In the Hardware Shop

I was standing in the queue in one of the town’s hardware shops today listening to the tradesmen with bigger houses than me who drive better cars than me having a competition to see who could shout the F-word the loudest and with most feeling. Having recently taken semi-retirement I might have left it a little late to consider a career change.
You would have thought the shop staff wouldn’t encourage that sort of thing, wouldn’t you?
Whilst they did what they do, I did a little CPD.
In the hardware shop.
I called up the European Hematology Association’s Facebook page on my phone and had a look at their #LearningMonday quiz.
There was a case of something basophilic from what I could see on a rather small phone screen. What wouldn’t be a first step of disease management?
It struck me that given various other treatments available, hoiking out the spleen was a tad radical.
I was right to think so.  I was probably also right to think that a profession which involves competitions to see who could shout the F-word the loudest and with most feeling might have suited me better these last forty-odd years.

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