15 August 2023 (Tuesday) - HCPC Hearings

My professional regulator (the health and care professions council) is very keen to ensure that it keeps its own house in order, and has a website which is open to all which documents those people who are being (or have been) called before their tribunal for investigation into their alleged professional misconduct.
Some people come before the tribunal accused of falsifying blood test results.
Some people come before the tribunal having made a genuine mistake.
I can understand that these cases need investigation by the professional regulator. However more and more people are being investigated for their character rather than their professionalism.
Looking at the archive one case involved someone having a friend phone in sick for them when they are actually in prison. Should they be struck off? Possibly…
Someone else got struck off for dodging paying parking fees. Should they be struck off? Arguably.
Another was struck off because of his political views. Should he have been struck off? Absolutely not.
And now there’s one up before the tribunal for looking at pictures of nudey ladies.
I’m going to go out on a limb here… there must be more to this last case than just looking at pictures of nudey ladies. Surely this could have been dealt with by a quiet word?

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