18 November 2021 (Thursday) - Transfusion News Update

The nice people at “Transfusion News” sent their update today…  One of the things I find most frustrating about transfusion medicine is how opinion changes so much. Back in the day whole blood was “the” thing to transfuse... Then it wasn’t… Now… who knows?

Who does know? That’s why we do CPD – to keep ourselves aware of who does know and what they know. Flippant? Maybe. But particularly in the world of transfusion medicine it is important to keep up with current thinking as opinion does change.


Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections Do Not Improve Ankle Osteoarthritis

November 17, 2021Ankle (tibiotalar) osteoarthritis affects approximately 3.4% of adults and is associated with a reduced quality of life. Effective non-surgical treatments are not available. Based on data from four small case studies, autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections have been used with the hope that growth factors released from α-granules in platelets may modulate a regenerative response allowing affected tissue to heal. [Read More]


Benefits and Harms of Whole Blood versus Component Blood Transfusions Remain Unclear

November 9, 2021 Transfusions may be in the form of whole blood (WB) or blood components (BC). Blood components include red blood cells, platelets, plasma, and cryoprecipitate. Recently, studies have suggested that bleeding cardiac surgery and trauma patients may benefit from WB transfusions. However, storing WB solely for these patients could result in increased blood wastage. [Read More]


Red Blood Cells May Act as Immune Sentinels

November 1, 2021 Anucleated red blood cells (RBCs) are essential for delivery of oxygen throughout the body but have been considered immunologically inert. New evidence recently published in Science Translational Medicine, however, suggests that RBCs promote immune activation by binding to unmethylated, cell free CpG nucleic acid fragments and promoting cytokine production. Toll-like receptors play a key role in inflammation by identifying nucleic acid fragments. [Read More]


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