28 November 2018 (Wednesday) - RPTH Update

A link to the latest issue of Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (RPTH) appeared in my in-box this morning – you can read it by clicking here.

I was rather pleased about this – haemostasis is quite a large part of my workload, but I struggle to find CPD topics relevant to the area.

28 November 2018 (Wednesday) - Oncologist Newsletter

The Oncologist” newsletter appeared in my in-box this morning. The focus of this one was to advertise upcoming conferences.
Perhaps I’m sulking as I’m not part of the “in-crowd”, but for the most part I’ve been told that the attraction of these conferences is that they are one big party.

I’d be a *lot*  less cynical about them if the lectures and seminars were released as podcasts

27 November 2018 (Tuesday) - Wassat?

A picture of a very odd looking cell appeared on one of the work-based Facebook groups I follow. You can see it (and the subsequent discussion) by clicking here.

I *think* it’s a Reed-Sternberg cell…