22 August 2017 (Tuesday) - The Perfect Bench

An interesting article came up on one of the Facebook groups I follow: “I've been thinking about how there must be a better way to set up the blood bank bench where I am. There never seems to be enough space. The microscope and phone are always competing for counter space. If I have paperwork to do, there is no good place to do it. Also, I've been getting a lot of pinched nerves in my neck/shoulder area from constantly reaching all the time.
What is your favorite set-up for your bench? Do you have any space-saving ideas

I read the comments hoping for something I might use… but over the years I’ve found that (try as you might) there is no layout that suits everyone; bench layouts sort of evolve.
On reading the comments it became apparent that there is no ideal way to do it. Everyone has their own ideas that don’t suit anyone else.

But somewhere there must be the perfect bench…

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